Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kade's first bite!!!!

Kade wasn't sleeping very well at night and was trying to grab any food I had in my hand, so we decided to try some rice cereal and see if that would help. He wasn't so sure about it the first couple of times, but now he really seems to like it. Here are his first bites we captured on camera.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! We had Star Wars heroes and villains and incredible hulk. I tried to talk Ty into being Luke and keeping the Star Wars theme, but he wouldn' t have it. We went over to the church ate chilli and did a trunk or treat. What a great idea that is. No more walking door to door and you get it all done in about an hour. Afterwards we went to our neighbors for more food and games. Dave shocked everyone with his tennis pro outfit. He was wearing my short shorts under his pants and he pulled off his pants with one tug and showed off those lovely Greenwood chicken legs. Sorry, I didn't get a picture of that. We have so much candy I am sure my kids are going to be bouncing off the walls for weeks, but hey that is the best part. Candy!!! I hope all of you had a wonderful Halloween and I am sorry we missed all of the fam this year and all of the little ones costumes.